torsdag 21. august 2008

Campagnolo Record OR front derailleurs

The Campagnolo adjustable band front derailleurs come with a small pin that enables use on a variety of different seat tube sizes. On the one hand this allows for flexibility, as one derailleur can be made to fit many different bikes. On the other hand, this part is notoriously easy to lose, particularly a worry for vintage part buyers.

I've been lucky enough to source both a top- and a downpull derailleur version. The Fat Chance does not have the original characteristic front derailleur pulley that came with the frame. If I can source such a pulley I may in the end mount the bottom pull version on the Fat, if not I may go for the top pull one.

The top-pull derailleur is brand spanking new.

Notice the gap in the derailleur clamp and the separate pin.

The bottom pull version I've managed to source already has the band installed. I'm not quite sure how this will play out, the band may be too narrow for this derailleur to be used with the Fat's 31.8mm seat tube. I'll have to see.

Both derailleur sisters together. Beautiful!


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